Ike Willis In Brazil

By Ricardo Rios

In Sao Paulo, The Central Scrutinizer Band remembers December 21st with lots of good music and dedication.

In 1997 The Central Scrutinizer Band invited Ike Willis to play with them and he said: "Yes, let's do it!". As soon as they heard his OK they start to work hard to make it happen. It was late October, there wasn't much time left!

I was in my Office and received a phone call from my friend Anselmo Cheré, he said: "we're planning to bring Ike Willis to play in Sao Paulo. We don't know how much it will cost, we're thinking about a money collection to cover the airline tickets and hotel expenses. And I told him: "Hey, let me contact some friends and see if they can help." Then I called my friends Paulo Barbosa and Prado, who are Continental Airlines representatives in Sao Paulo and Zappa fans, explained the plans and asked if Continental Airlines couldn't be one of the sponsors on bringing "Mr. Big Voice" to Brazil. Prado told me he'll check it out, but the chances were good. A couple of days later we had the tickets in our hands (thanks again Continental Airlines!)

Ike arrived in Sao Paulo and met the Band. They played together and hours later he said: "We don't have to spend more time on this, you guys are good!" We were at the studio with the Band and Reinhart Preuss, Muffin Records' owner. Muffin Records is responsible for fine CD's and Bands such as THE MUFFIN MEN, THE BAND FROM UTOPIA (now BANNED FROM UTOPIA) and WESTERN VACATION, and musicians as SANDRO OLIVA and TRISTAN DES PRES. Ike was amazed with the band and their dedication.

In the next day we took Ike and Reinhart for a tour in Sao Paulo. We had a fine BBQ and some shopping at the Rock'n'Roll Mall. it was easy to see that Ike was enjoying it, a lot of people (yes, we were in a Zappa environment) recognized him, asked for autographs and pictures. He couldn't imagine he his popularity.

The show in the evening of December 21st was a success! The Band, Ike and the audience were enjoying the atmosphere and the interaction. That December 21st was special, with a special guest on the stage, and sharing the feeling that Zappa was there, relaxed, enjoying the show and smiling!

The Arf-Dosier Vol. 14